■Application Period: From Early November to Late December *Application for TPM Awards 2025 has already finieshed
To apply, please register on the Applicant Company page for TPM Excellence Awards and complete the application process.
●Self Checklist (To challenge ‘Award for TPM Excellence’ for the first time)
●Please check our Japanese page for plants inside Japan.
●Regarding revision in 2024, please refer to “Revision of TPM Excellence Awards (English)“.
We provide follow-up/pre-assessment services.
The follow-up is for plants that have experience in receiving TPM Excellence Awards.
The Pre-assessment is for plants that have never challenged the TPM Excellence Awards.
Although the names are different, the services are the same.
One TPM Excellence Award assessor will visit your plant and support your activities by commenting on the status of your TPM activities. (Online is also available).
For details, please refer to the information material.