Monodzukuri Test Online English Edition

Monodzukuri Test Online English Edition
– Manufacturing Test Online –

About test

What is the Monodzukuri test online English?

  • Monodzukuri Test Online is for basic knowledge of the manufacturing(5S, OEE, ets)!
  • This test is for education and for clarification of each plant’s and each person’s competence.
  • This test was developed based on a test that has been taken by 22,000 people in Japan.


You can take the test anywhere, anytime in the world using the Internet!

It is possible to compare bases on a common standards

Are you having trouble understanding the actual situation of multiple factories?
Each factory can be compared using a common standard as M test. Multilingual textbooks are available for education.

What you can see from the test results

The strengths and weaknesses are visualized from the test results for each of the five subjects. By linking management indicators and test results, you can get opportunity for improvement.

Test Fee

Test Fee

Opening Sale!! Tax included.
extra value 1 JPY 59,000 10 persons 2%off
extra value 2 JPY 280,000 50 persons 7%off
extra value 3 JPY 520,000 100 persons 13%off
normal value JPY 6,000 1 person
example, 185 persons
JPY 59,000*3 + JPY 280,000*1 + JPY 520,000*1 + JPY 6,000*5

How to apply

Online Application Procedure

1. Apply
1) Click “Apply”.

2) Register the information of the application representative.
3) Login to the Management Page from the registration completion email.
    If you don’t receive the registration completion email,
    please contact to by email.

4) Examinee registration (you can do Bulk registration).
5) test reservation each examinees.

2.Taking test
1) Register the examinee, reserve a test date on the Management Page.
    For the each examinee, the application representative can reserve the test date
    by choosing a convenient day from the test period.
    If you don’t receive the registration completion email,
    please contact to by email.

1)JIPM check the number of examinee on end of month. And JIPM email an invoice to the application representative.
    credit card or Bank transfer
2) JIPM send the analysis results to the representative by email after confirming payment.



For the each examinee, the application representative can reserve the test date by choosing a convenient day from the test period.

Test 2021 [1 July 2021] – [20 Dec 2021]
Test 2022
Test 2024 [1 Oct 2024] – [31 March 2025]

Test details


Test : English     Application : English


You can optionally see the operation description befor the start of the test.

Test Format and Content

Number of questions: 75 two-choice questions and about 40 multiple-choice questions

1 Basics of Production
2 Improving Efficiency and Capturing Losses
3 Improvement and Analysis Methods
4 Routine Maintenance of Equipment(Autonomous Maintenance in General)
5 Basics of Routine Maintenance


The score will be judged from S to D by the score.


After completing the test, your score will be displayed on your computer immediately.
The application representative can download the test result for all examinees at any time.


JIPM send the analysis results to the representative by email after confirming payment.

1. test results
This table shows individual accuracy rate (%) for each two-choice and multiple-choice question per topic, the company’s average,


2. Examinee results (accuracy rate (%)) distribution map
These results help when deciding the course of action for training by enabling one to understand the range of accuracy rate among all examinees.


3.score by Industrial Classification


4.Individual result
– Individual employees’ strengths and weaknesses can be visualized. Decide which topics require stronger measures.
– Providing feedback to examinees enables them to obtain an objective understanding of their present conditions. The results can be used to set targets and increase motivation.
-By taking the test on a continuous basis, individual improvement can be measured.

sample test

sample test

Learning support

